Güncelleme Tarihi: 11 August 2023

Visitors: 182

3 1 Education Model Announcement

Vocational Education Announcement within the Scope of 3+1 Education Model (Updated)

Dear Students,

Our students enrolled in the "Workplace Training" and "Workplace Practice" courses within the scope of the applied 3+1 education model in the Fall semester of the 2023-2024 Academic Year;


1- Application Form for Vocational Education/Internship/Practice Course in Business (3 with wet signature)

2- A certificate of plagiarism to be obtained from e-government (To be delivered only to student affairs)


IF THE FEE IS TO BE PAID; and the workplace wants to benefit from the scope of government support; After completing and signing the documents numbered 3 and 4 below, they will submit them together with the documents numbered 1 and 2.

3- 1 contract on Practical Training Principles and Obligations of the Parties

4- Vocational Training / Internship Fee Incentive Application Form in Business



In addition to documents 1, 2, 3 and 4

5-Business Fee Waiver Form

This document will be prepared in 2 copies. If the student will not be paid by the business; The student must fill in the waiver form stating that he will not charge any fee from the enterprise and submit 1 copy to the enterprise. Another copy should be submitted to our School together with the document number 6.


6-Student Fee Waiver Form

After the student has filled in the relevant parts and signed this document; It must be submitted to our School together with the document number 5.


It must be delivered to our School by hand or by mail/cargo until the end of the working day on Friday, September 04, 2023. Required forms are attached to the announcement.

Vocational Training/Internship/Practice in Business Start date: 25 September 2023, end date 06 January 2024

IMPORTANT NOTE: Originals of all documents (with wet signature) must be submitted in order to make payments.

Documents to be submitted during the application before the internship:

1-Application Form for Vocational Education/Internship/Practice Course in Business (3 copies, with wet signature)

After all the information is filled in completely and legibly and signed by the enterprise, 1 copy will be delivered to the enterprise, 1 copy will be delivered to our School, and 1 copy will remain with the student.

2-A certificate of plagiarism to be obtained from e-government

(In case this document is missing, the student's application will not be accepted.)

3-Contract Provision

It will be delivered to our School after it is signed by the student and the business official.

4-Internship Fee Incentive Application Form

The YES or NO option must be specified in the Business's Request to Participate in the State Contribution Application, which must be filled in completely by the Business.


5-Business Fee Waiver Form

This document will be prepared in 2 copies. If the student will not be paid by the business; The student must fill in the waiver form stating that he will not charge any fee from the enterprise and submit 1 copy to the enterprise. Another copy should be submitted to our School together with the document number 6.

6-Student Fee Waiver Form

After the student has filled in the relevant parts and signed this document; It must be submitted to our School together with the document number 5.

Documents to be submitted at the end of the internship

1-Unemployment Fund Contribution Student and Employer Information Form

After the Student and Business information is filled in completely and signed by the Workplace Official, it will be delivered to our School together with the receipts.

2-Business Evaluation Form

This document, which is for the evaluation of the student, must be filled in the Student information section and delivered to our college by the Business in a CONFIDENTIAL and closed envelope.

During the delivery of the Internship Book, the student can also submit this document in a sealed envelope.

3-Student Evaluation Form

Relevant fields must be filled in by the student and submitted to our School.

4-Internship File



1- If a monthly fee is to be paid by the workplace to the student over the amount specified in the contract and the workplace will request a part of this fee from the unemployment fund within the scope of state support, the following procedures must be performed;

a- Vocational Education/Internship/Practice in Business Application form will be issued in 3 pieces and the required fields, if the fee is to be paid, must be marked as Yes and other necessary information must be filled.

b- The Agreement on the Principles of “Applied Education” and the Obligations of the Parties will be signed by the student and the business official.

c- At the end of the internship, the Unemployment Fund Contribution Student and Employer Information Form for Applied Education Fees will be filled in and approved by the Business at the end of the internship, and delivered to the student by the student with other relevant documents.

2- It is offered to the student by the business.